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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, Monday...

So Monday's seem to be the day that I don't manage to inch up my word count. I'm okay with that...I am very excited to get some words down tonight. I have lots to do, but I will figure out a way to get in some "Lolly Time" too. There are LOTS of exciting things coming up ahead for her...and I am raring to go.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how different this year in NanoWrimo has been. How I am thinking about my novel in terms of pieces and shifting them around. It feels so good to have a list of scenes linked to Chapters. It feels so good to have a record of my daily output. It feels so good knowing that I am going to finish a first draft and release it from my hands to willing readers. I know I am going to do it this time. I know there is a lot of work to do before that point...but I have a plan.

And speaking of that plan...let's recap and see how I am doing?

? Create an Outline - I have a list of scenes...does that count?
* Break Outline into Chapters - with rising action noted
X Create an Excel Spreadsheet to track word counts and chapter sections - DONE!!!
X Write 60,000 words in November - DONE!!
* Spend the next two weeks in December plugging away to finish a full draft before Christmas
* Revise in January with a few touch-ups
* Share First Draft with Writing Group by my birthday - January 13


MPB said...

That's an awesome plan!!

As much planning as I do, I don't know if I could write with such a structured outline. I have been jumping ahead quite a bit this year - or, maybe just writing scenes as they come to me, in some cases, but I then have to make some tweaks to get things to fit together right because aaaaaall sorts of stuff happens that I don't anticipate. I don't know if I'm creative enough to get it all thought out ahead of time. I sort of have to get the characters rolling and let them work it out for me. I am very dependent on them :)

sisu twenty-twenty said...

nice photo!