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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forgot to Mention....

In the wee hours of this morning, I forgot to mention that I finished Chapter 6 and since Chapter 7 was written weekend before last...that means I jump right along to Chapter 8. I wonder what is going to happen? I spent some time just now looking through my brainstormed list of scenes that I barfed out in late October. I hadn't looked at them in a while. I was kind of going off of memory...which works just fine. I marked off those (by changing them to Red Font) that I had written about and there is plenty to go. There are also little touches that I will need to go back and weave through. But that is what my editing time will be about. I have those things written I do not need to worry about forgetting them.

I'm going to go back to sleep...but maybe I will get in another 1K before doing so. Hmm....wonder if I can do it??? Also, I want to post another excerpt but I can't decide what to post. Hmm...

UPDATE: 65K. Sleep beckons again...

1 comment:

Shanyah said...

Your blog is awesome!! I told my friends to come check it out. Come check out my blog sometime. You can email me at or visit my blog I am looking forward from an email from you. I will put you on my blogroll, if you would like me too. Your blog was very interesting, ok bye!!