Blog Archive

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Snack Attack...Got Bell Peppers??

I love bell peppers...they are best chilled and crisp...they are my saving grace. I am an emotional eater...I know this about myself. So now, when the urge to snack hits, I reach for things that are either no points or 1 point. My grocery cart always contains a bag of bell peppers...I love the red, yellow and orange the most. It has become a staple item. I eat at least one a day...especially when I get home from work...while I am waiting for my dinner to finish microwaving. Or in those hours after dinner when you are in the kitchen watching TV...thinking about how best to save your allowance points. They are sweet and satisfying...and did I mention they are no points?

PS - In case you were curious...I cut this bell pepper all on my own!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE red peppers!! (and orange & yellow, too!)