Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have Merch...Will Participate...

So I have just made a few NanoWrimo (National Novel Writing Month) purchases...some stickers and two tee-shirts!! I am so excited...November is my favorite month of the year. It is the one time of year where writing is my number one priority and I become one with my laptop on a crazy regular basis. I am so freaking excited...

I can also get my writing totem cutely pink Hermes Silk Twilly. I adore it...much like I adore my pink laptop. Are you sensing a theme here??? Swoon...I love NanoWrimo!! Swoon...I love writing novels!!! Even if they just sit upon a shelf never to be touched least until I retire someday. ;)

1 comment:

sisu twenty-twenty said...

nice job!!! hmm maybe i need to get more merch. i only have one tee-shirt! i'm totally stoked. you rock!