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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Two Days...

It is just two days and counting until National Novel Writing Month begins...the 2012 version.  I'm ready and excited to get my noveling on this year.  Last year, I was worried that my quest to be healthier would be sidelined if I tried to write a novel too.  So I skipped last November...although I did write a shitty first draft of a novel in July I figured that counted as my one for the year.  I know it was the right decision.  When you completely transform your life you have to prioritize.  This year, I have reworked things to make it completely possible.  Now that I am hitting the gym in the mornings, I can easily write in the evenings.  I have an idea for a quirky main character and the boy hero (or will there be two?) is starting to form into view.  I haven't planned much, just made a few notes about some of the main ideas I have.  I don't even know what my characters names will be.  It is such a fun time of year.  The moments before a novel is born.  I am really, really excited.  I can do this!!

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