Blog Archive

Monday, October 31, 2016

Twas the Night before NanoWrimo... (Word Count = 0)

So, maybe I won't write a novel in November...but my goal is to write every day.  A story a day.  A story a day that I will post on my blog.  It is something to get my writing going.  That is the point of National Novel Writing Month (NanoWrimo) get the words out.  I need to get back to my writing...with some form of consistency.  I don't know what I will write about.  I'm hoping that each short story over the next 30 days will have some common thread to it.  My hope is to let a song inspire me each day to write a story.  Perhaps even a baby sized beer every now and again too.  I have a plan.  Each morning during my 4 miles...I'll pick a song or ask for song recommendations the evening before.  Then I will spend the my hour on the treadmill plotting and maybe making some notes.  Then...after work...maybe with a baby beer and maybe without...I'll put fingers to keys or pen to paper...and write!!  WRITE!!  I can't wait.  It will feel so good to get my creatives going.  A story a day...for 30 days.  This year I am a Nano Rebel...

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