I have rambling on for weeks about what I was going to do to reward myself for a year of being back at the gym. So...I figured it out. My reward is MORE WORK!!! How perfect is that? I have been walking by a big placard at the gym about the 90 Day Challenge for several weeks. I watch it as more and more names get scribbled on with black sharpies....wondering if I have the "chops" to sign my name too. Well, today I decided that I do. Mainly because I learned that I will be able to still work with my awesome trainer/coach Stacy K. That sealed the deal for me.
I have spent the last year on two basic ideas, eat less and exercise more. It has worked...but I still have more work I need to do. I have not been managing my diabetes as well as I should be. I don't check my blood sugar all day long. I don't maticulously count my carbs. These are the things that I really want to focus on next. So there we go...what better way to kick start things than a 90 day weight loss challenge? My focus will be on nutrition and providing better fuel for all the work I do (office work, gym work, soccer watching, writing, and who knows what other things are on the horizon for me). 90 days...new habits are created in that time span. It is going to be hard. It is going to take committment. It is going to be a struggle. It is going to require more balance between my work life and everything else. It is just what I need...